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APCK 메인 슬라이드

    select *, (select bf_file from g5_board_file where bo_table = 'slider' and wr_id = a.wr_id and bf_type between '1' and '3' order by bf_no limit 0, 1) as bf_file from g5_write_slider a where a.ca_name = '메인슬라이드' order by a.wr_10 asc
  • Slider Space
    Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea
    Our technology, Our accelerator, Global number one!
  • Slider Space
    A shining light of Korea Science
    The best technology in Korea takes the head the world accelerator industry.
  • Slider Space
    The cornerstone of the advancement of scientific development
    Accelerator is a key industry, the accelerator industrial advancement is the Korean scientific development
  • Slider Space
    Korean future industry, the accelerator industry
    Korean No.1 is the world's No.1 Proud Korean industry of accelerator parts.
  • Slider Space
    Advances in the accelerator industry
    Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea is always with the development of the accelerator industry.


Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea

The global accelerator market is slowly expanding, and in order to encourage Korea's industrial R&D and basic research programs, the government is effectively supporting projects to build multi-purpose radiation accelerators, heavy ion, and proton accelerators and there exists the need for the establishment of a cooperative for improved member management and sales increase.


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