APCK 메인 슬라이드
(select bf_file from g5_board_file where bo_table = 'slider' and wr_id = a.wr_id and bf_type between '1' and '3' order by bf_no limit 0, 1) as bf_file
from g5_write_slider a
where a.ca_name = '메인슬라이드'
order by a.wr_10 asc
- Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea
- Our technology, Our accelerator, Global number one!
- A shining light of Korea Science
- The best technology in Korea takes the head the world accelerator industry.
- The cornerstone of the advancement of scientific development
- Accelerator is a key industry, the accelerator industrial advancement is the Korean scientific development
- Korean future industry, the accelerator industry
- Korean No.1 is the world's No.1 Proud Korean industry of accelerator parts.
- Advances in the accelerator industry
- Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea is always with the development of the accelerator industry.