Greeting APCK

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The development of coop.members is the development of science in Korea.

The technology of the accelerator parts industry will soon become a global technology.


A warm and sincere welcome to everyone who visited the Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea homepage. .


Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea was established to promote local manufacture of key accelerator parts and thus reduce external dependence of the industry as well as to pave the way for future accelerator K-part companies.

Despite the constant efforts of associated accelerator research institutes and industry coop.members, regulatory hurdles such as "Economy of scale" and "Strategic goods/Protection industry" presents real and challenging difficulties for coop. members.

To this end, through the alliance of coop.members, we aim to facilitate the spread of the currently operating accelerator industry ecosystem as well as a collaborative response to the procurement of accelerator construction technology. 

Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea will promote the interests of existing accelerator parts companies and work harder to improve regulations for the future rights and interests of coop.member companies.

Accelerator Parts Cooperative of Korea 
Chairman Bak, Sang Wook (CEO of MKV)